2024 Town Hall Meeting
On August 21, 2024, Dr. Loretta Jackson-Williams, Vice Dean for Medical Education, hosted a town hall meeting, virtually, for School of Medicine (SOM) faculty and staff. She provided a general assessment of the medical education program, highlights from the 2023-24 academic year, a discussion of focus areas for 2024-25 and discussion of ongoing and anticipated challenges.
The entering Class of 2028 aligns with the national trend with fewer applicants this past year and with more women than men applying. The School of Medicine’s outreach efforts focuses on Mississippi residents and takes into consideration the declining IHL student enrollment. Outreach efforts are also aimed at decreasing the perceptions of exclusivity of the program while highlighting the schools’ value for academic support.
IMPACT the RACE received additional funding through June 2027. This Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant funded program is supporting the SOM in (a) strengthening student connects to rural communities, (b) enhancing rural medicine content within the educational program, (c) developing outreach and academic support for students interested in medicine, and (d) increasing faculty and physician development opportunities.
- IMPACT the Race provided support for the Jackson Free Clinic (JFC) through its rural health fairs and other health care events. In 2023-24, JFC held 91 events across the state accounting for 1,585 patient interactions and 321 SOM student volunteer opportunities.
- M3 and M4 students completed 337 rural clinical trainings from July 2020 – June 2024.
- Surgery – 140
- Pediatrics – 86
- Family Medicine – 53
- Internal Medicine – 48
- Dermatology – 10
- SOM facilities were renovated included the gross anatomy lab, old histology lab on the 7th floor which is now educational space for the Department of Advanced Biomedical Education.
- UMMC Grenada space was renovated to provide housing, lounge space, and educational space for medical students completing rotations there.
- Technology upgrades in the SOM include room reservation panels, smart boards for both lecture halls in the SOM Medical Education Building, updated Crestron systems for conference rooms, and room occupancy panels for study rooms.
The previous academic year, 2023-24, marked the implementation of the redesigned, systems-based preclinical curriculum. For students this meant, earlier mental transition into the profession, improved clinical performance, and increased satisfaction with education. Faculty members benefited from earlier engagement in the preclinical curriculum by clinical faculty, increased engagement of students with the faculty, and increased opportunities for mentoring. The implementation of the curriculum also led to two additional education administrators as well as a lot of time and effort and commitment from faculty course directors.
Students have a robust system of academic support including time management, organizational skills, study skills, and tutoring. As well as support with student health and counseling services.
Career counseling for students is comprehensive and includes the Careers in Medicine program through AAMC, the Career Development Series, student interest groups, a residency fair in the fall semester, Primary Care Day in the spring semester, and individual meetings with a dean at the beginning of the M4 year.
This academic year promises to be one full of opportunities with some challenges. SOM administrators are poised to lead the School through each of them.
- Continuity in GME program leadership and continued process improvement
- Development of a faculty database and leadership development of select faculty
- Improved financial seminars for students
- Increased opportunities for deans to interact with students
- Increased faculty recruitment for SOM committees, subcommittees, and educational sessions
- Implementation of M2 redesigned curriculum
- Development of SOM strategic plan
- Preparation for self-study for 2027-2028 accreditation site visit